Sunday, October 25, 2009

Something New for the more Adventurous(the Hikers)

Hi to all!!!!
As a news Cruise season opens on my beautiful Island,I'd like to offer something new in terms of sites,I realize the more popular sites,the Emerald Pool and the Trafalgar Falls are most requested,however,for those of you who've seen the middle ham falls which is an interesting hike and and for new adventurers(Hikers)looking to experience some new adventure,one that will be less crowded as the other Popular sites especially when we have more than one or two ships in port,I'm offering the Glassy trail and off course the Victoria falls,sites which are much more interesting and by doing these sites you'll encounter very few Tourist,imagine having the Glassy trail with a natural jetty of rock formation as a result of volcanic activity many centuries ago all to yourself....
This will give you a more interesting prospective of the Island because it's on the Atlantic side of the Island,(normally the average cruise Tourist would just see the Caribbean sea side of the Island) the wonderful scenery and the village life as well....
I'm hoping I could be your Guide through Paradise,until the next time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's been a long while!!!!!!!!!

To all who over the last few months visited my website and more specifically my Blog "Beno's BLOG"it's been a very long time since I touched base with you guys and for this, first I would like to apologize to all of you who've been looking forward to me writing on my blog as promised,the reason for this is probably I have not been motivated as such and this because of the volume of the business has dropped,however,I'm still very much involved in continuing to provide my services to the few who still request of me and it's important to note that I still do a very good job,the passion and the energy is still very much with me,in that case I look forward to recieving your numerous request in the up and coming new cruise season which begins sometime in October 2009.
Until the next Time!!!!!!!!!.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Very Happy New year to all..........

Hello all of you Customers.
I would first like to wish all my customers/Clients both past and those to come a very happy new and prosperous 2009,my last blog was sometime around the first week in November,it means therefore I'm some what guilty of not keeping with my promise that I would be blogging every week,which is not like me for that reason i want to apologize,I realize it will be tough writing every week,i have now decided to write monthly.
To all of you who've signed up for my Tours this coming year I'd like to say thanks much while i look forward anxiously to meeting all of you when you all get to my beautiful Island Dominica,to all of you who were booked towards to end of the year and came I'd like to say thanks much for coming your presents here on Island was truly appreciated both for economic and affording me the opportunity to once again having you guys see Dominica through my eyes,I look forward to you all returning in the not too distant future as I'll be more that happy to take you around my beautiful Island Dominica this Time for a few more days not just a few hours.
I look forward i hope to talk to all of you especially the prospective visitors in a months time until then.